








The new way of managing your home


UX Research, UI Design, Strategy, Interactive Design


3 product designers

1 front-end developer

2 back-end developers


October - December 2022


The real estate market in Sweden has only been growing for the past few decades, making property purchasing a more sought-after option than renting. Bovra, an app designed for homeowners, aims to simplify the process of property ownership. Bovra makes the ownership process easier by replacing physical paper folders with a digital version. The centerpiece of the app is the Housebook, which serves as a central hub for users to store and manage all crucial information from their house in one convenient location within the app.

Challenge 1

Encouraging the user to provide valuable input data

One of the challenges we faced was the need to persuade users to provide a large amount of data points that might not have been immediately apparent as to their value. We needed to clearly communicate the reasons for this requirement from the outset.


We held cross-functional workshops to find ways to motivate users to provide information and to communicate its value. This resulted in the development of a gamified module that helps users understand their goals, monitor important data, and engage with the process through an intuitive, non-cognitive approach.

Challenge 2

Generating a comprehensive summary of extensive data.

Designing the Housebook section of the app was a formidable challenge, given its limited space in the context of the app's overall size and complexity. Our goal was to find a way to effectively incorporate all crucial information within this confined area.


In addressing this challenge, we emphasized the importance of communication and convened multiple workshops and ongoing conversations to condense vital data. We divided the Housebook into three modules, based on our IA research, to effectively present the information within limited space.

Challenge 2

Generating a comprehensive summary of extensive data.

Designing the Housebook section of the app was a formidable challenge, given its limited space in the context of the app's overall size and complexity. Our goal was to find a way to effectively incorporate all crucial information within this confined area.


In addressing this challenge, we emphasized the importance of communication and convened multiple workshops and ongoing conversations to condense vital data. We divided the Housebook into three modules, based on our IA research, to effectively present the information within limited space.

Takeaway & Reflection

We underwent several stages of improvement to reach this point, incorporating input from various stakeholders who brought unique perspectives to the solution. To ensure everyone's ideas were taken into account, we focused on iterative design solutions through team workshops. Communication was crucial to the success of the project, enabling an agile process and ensuring everyone was on the same page.

Effective communication is a critical component of any project, and it was no different in the creation of the Housebook. By openly sharing and discussing ideas, we were able to collaborate and find the best solution for the problem at hand. The input from various stakeholders allowed us to consider different angles and approaches, leading to a more comprehensive solution. Furthermore, keeping everyone on the same page through regular communication prevented misunderstandings and ensured that we were all moving in the same direction.

2024 • Made with love in Framer